2 февр. 2021 г.

Алые брюки и жакет с цветочным мотивом / Trousers and Jacket with Floral Motif

Брюки ярко-красного цвета из плотной двухслойной костюмной ткани orangecolor.ru. Выкройка Burda 8/2007 mod.110, немного откорректированная. Жакет из жаккарда с рисунком в виде разноцветных веточек - он мне ужасно нравится! )) Выкройка индивидуальная.

1 комментарий:

  1. hi , Nadezhda
    What a great opportunity and it came just in time to find a hidden gem that has many talents
    I read your stories and listened for hours in reading, and I did not find myself bored with reading, but I started swimming in the world of reading as if I was on the "carpet of the wind" as in Aladdin
    of course I did not know Russian, but I translated the stories and read some of them and I will complete the parts and I have a comment on each story
    But I wanted to introduce myself to you, albeit with a simple thing
    Also the clothes and the colors, I think I found a real treasure, and I don't overdo it
    In the end, But it is not the absolute end , so I hope to follow your blog constantly
    please : take care of your healthy
    Have a nice time
    your friend
